The Shoulds and Should Nots of SAT Test Day
You’ve studied and practiced. You’ve practiced and studied. Now it’s the day before SAT test day. Your mind should start moving away from practicing and studying into preparing for test day. Part of that preparation is what to lug with you to the test center. So grab your book bag and take note of these tips.
What you SHOULD bring on test day:
- Your testing ticket
- Photo ID
- Several No. 2 Pencils w/ erasers
- Handheld pencil sharpener
- A watch without an alarm to pace yourself
- A permitted calculator
- Snacks to eat during the break
What you SHOULD NOT bring on test day:
- Any electronic device, other than a permitted calculator
- Scratch paper
- Notes, books, or dictionaries
- Highlighter or colored pencils
- Portable listening or recording device
- Camera or other photographic equipment
- Watch with an audible alarm
You’ve put in the work and now your bag is packed for test day. You’re officially 100 percent prepared. Now relax, clear your head, and get a good night’s rest. With your score goal high and your stress level low, it’s off to the test center you go.